Thursday, October 30, 2008

Top American Films (prior to 2000)

1. The Godfather Trilogy by Francis Ford Coppola
2. The Shawshank Redemption by Frank Darabont
3. Saving Private Ryan by Steven Spielberg
4. Casablanca by Michael Crutiz
5. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb by Stanley Kubrick
6. Taxi Driver by Martin Scorsese
7. Citizen Kane by Orson Welles
8. Nashville by Robert Altman
9. Unforgiven by Clint Eastwood
10. Raging Bull by Martin Scorsese

Honorable Mentions: McCabe & Mrs. Miller; Goodfellas; The Best Years of Our Lives; Paths of Glory; Rear Window

Sunday, October 26, 2008

November 4th

Will be the day that we find out the person that will fill the seat in the oval office next. I cannot wait to see who its going to be, thought I seriously hope that its Barack Obama. Get out and vote.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Jane Eyre

The last few days I have emersed myself into Charlotte Brontës novel, Jane Eyre, and while I am not usually one to be swept away by a novel, let me tell you that this was one of the finest novels that I have ever read. It touched my heart and the mounted itself atop my romantic underbelly. I will avoid talking about the novel in hopes that if anyone reading this blog hasn't read it that they will read it at some point and enjoy it as much as I did. I hope to see it made into a cinematic masterpiece one day, as I am sure the material is worthy of nothing less.


Don't worry about this. I probably won't write on here a whole lot. But, I really wanted to open a place to write some thoughts that were not film related. So, there will probably be some political commentary, some ranting and some discussion on spirituality and other fun things like that. I have often been called pensive, and this is where I would like to explode some of those thoughts onto the page. For now I'd like to leave you a quote about the stock market from a friend of mine:

"This really makes you think about the generosity of the Clinton administration just taking the W's off of the keyboards at the White House, because Bush is taking the Dow off of the Stock Exchange."